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Grove Film Festival

Gorst Underground Film Festival (AWARD: Best Music Video)

San Francisco Dance Film Festival

South Asian Film Festival of America (AUDIENCE AWARD: Best Music Video)

Rails to Reels Film Festival

Hollywood South Urban Film Festival (MS) (AWARD: Best Music Video)

ICP Entertainment Short Film Series (NYC) (AWARD: Best Music Video)

Twin Falls SANDWHICHES Film Fest

Plum Tuckered Film Festival (WV) (AWARD: Best Music Video)

Clifton Film Celebration (AWARD: Best Music Video)

San Francisco Independent Short Film Fest (San Francisco, CA) (SPECIAL MENTION)

North Dakota Human Rights Film & Arts Festival (ND) (AWARD: Best Animation/Experimental Award)

Films To The People Film Fest (Oakland, CA)

Independent Shorts Awards (Los Angeles)

Santa Barbara International Film Festival

Sedona International Film Festival

Experimental, Dance & Music Film Festival (Toronto, ONT) (SILVER AWARD: Best Music Video)

New Hope Film Festival

We Make Movies International Film Fest (LA, CA)

Cascadia International Film Fest (Vancouver)

NYC-Shorts of All Sorts (NYC)

LA Experimental Film Fest (AWARD: Best Cinematography)

Enginuity Film Fest (West Virginia) (AWARD: Best ChoreographY)




Broadway World

Valerie-Jean Miller - BWW Review: Artists & Activism: Lights, Camera, Action! A Powerful Film And Movement Using The Arts As A Conduit For Change At The Art Of Elysium


“TOO MANY BODIES ' purpose with this film is to stir something within each and every American who sees this important and necessary video to become advocates for common sense gun laws in our country, and to offer help and support to survivors, their loved ones, and anyone suffering directly or indirectly from the violence caused by guns. “


Sand Francisco Chronicle by Leah Garchik


LA Dance Chronicle



“Too Many Bodies has a running time of only approximately six minutes, but it delivers an emotional punch that left the room silent but for the sounds of a few people crying. I heard it called a music video, and indeed there is wonderful music sung by Mackey, and beautiful dancing by Owen’s former students. It is not the usual MTV pop song video, however. It is designed to (hopefully) help change minds regarding sensible gun background checks and laws to keep these weapons of mass destruction out of the hands of troubled people. Through the art of film, music and dance, the Too Many Bodies team has created a film that moves backwards in time from just after the shooting in a high school has stopped.”


Dance Magazine

Teen Dancers Are Unapologetically Protesting Gun Violence


“The latest project was released just yesterday by #NoRA, a collective action campaign led by actress Alyssa Milano. Choreographed by Nancy Dobbs Owen and performed by several young dancers from California, "Too Many Bodies" follows a student crawling out of a closet after a shooting, walking past fallen classmates and teachers who come back to life and begin to dance, showcasing all that's lost when these lives end too soon. “


Haute Living


“Alyssa Milano is taking a stand. The actress and activist is the leader of collective action campaign #NoRA, which highlights and combats the NRA’s influence over the American political system. The organization recently teamed up with artists, dancers and choreographers to sponsor “Too Many Bodies”, a music video that tackles the issue of gun violence through dance. The video, which premiered in Los Angeles last month at a panel discussion at Art of Elysium, brought together the LA community and featured a multidisciplinary panel of artists that discussed how art can be used to educate, advocate, and heal.”


Additional Coverage


Dance Enthusiast by Sammi Li - [Read More]


Talk Story by Nishat Kurwa - [Read More]


Wanda's Picks with Wanda Sabir - [Listen to the show]


KPFA  with  Miko Lee - [Listen to the show]


Empower Humans with Phil Rowson - [Listen to the show]



June 2019 | Mountain Play: Supported Project

We are pleased to have found an ally in Mountain Play, a summer theatre community in the Bay Area. They supported us with a donation from their patron base. Please check them out - arts programming and some fantastic community engagement! 

Oct. 2018 | SFFilm: Screening and Panel Discussion
SFFilm hosted a screening and discussion on the political spectrum regarding gun violence in American. Panelists included Jeff Adachi, Krissy Keefer, and Dana King, moderated by Corey Tong.


Sept. 2018 | Art of Elysium and Launch Event with Ben Jackson, and Nurjahan Bolden, moderated by  Joanne Divito.

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